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Authors of Flathead Host Randy Ingermanson on Zoom
6:00 PM
Authors of Flathead Host Randy Ingermanson on Zoom
6:00 PM

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Zoom meeting only.
Topic: Scenes that work!
You only need about 10 basic skills in order to write a pretty good novel. What’s #1 on that list of skills? Writing a solid scene that moves your reader emotively. If you can write one powerful scene, you can write 100, and that’s a novel. Randy Ingermanson will teach us how to decide which kind of scene is appropriate. He will show us how to diagnose a broken scene. Then, demonstrate how to fix a scene, or tell when it isn’t fixable.
Bio: Randy Ingermanson is the inventor of the wildly popular Snowflake Method of designing a novel. He’s the author of three best-selling books on how to write fiction and the author of eight novels. In a previous life, Randy earned a PhD in theoretical physics from UC Berkeley, and he is currently Director of Software Engineering for a biotech company in San Diego. He used to be the unpaid manservant for several surly and demanding cats, but they have now moved on to a higher plane of existence, while he doggedly remains on this one. He blogs whenever the spirit moves him at www.advancedfictionwriting.com.
Here’s a link to the book most closely related to this lecture: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1937031187/
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Meeting ID: 829 2642 2018
Passcode: 795372
Topic: Scenes that work!
You only need about 10 basic skills in order to write a pretty good novel. What’s #1 on that list of skills? Writing a solid scene that moves your reader emotively. If you can write one powerful scene, you can write 100, and that’s a novel. Randy Ingermanson will teach us how to decide which kind of scene is appropriate. He will show us how to diagnose a broken scene. Then, demonstrate how to fix a scene, or tell when it isn’t fixable.
Bio: Randy Ingermanson is the inventor of the wildly popular Snowflake Method of designing a novel. He’s the author of three best-selling books on how to write fiction and the author of eight novels. In a previous life, Randy earned a PhD in theoretical physics from UC Berkeley, and he is currently Director of Software Engineering for a biotech company in San Diego. He used to be the unpaid manservant for several surly and demanding cats, but they have now moved on to a higher plane of existence, while he doggedly remains on this one. He blogs whenever the spirit moves him at www.advancedfictionwriting.com.
Here’s a link to the book most closely related to this lecture: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1937031187/
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Meeting ID: 829 2642 2018
Passcode: 795372
Age Group: All Ages
Venue: Zoom
Address: 140 No Street Kalispell, MT 55901
Phone: 406-442-2596